Thursday, December 4, 2008

Women Guilty of Cyber Bullying

Lori Drew was found guilty for 3 misdimener counts of cyber bullying, so some extreme free speech nazi's want to make some words illigal on the internet. The first amendment protects the freedom of speech so anyone can say anything at anytime anywhere. These radicalists want to "regulate" the first amendment because some stupid teenager killed herself because one moronic mother was being an idiot. Now Lori Drew was charged with assistant suicide (felony) but the L.A. judge let her off those. She should be charged with the felony count but she wasn't. Finnaly this story teachs us that the only way to be safe on the internet is to not be on it at all. The Freedom of Speech exists on the internet, but thanks to radical free speech nazi's like Las Angels you'd be lucky to say idiot without being sent to jail. If Lori Drew insulted Megan the same way she did on the internet but in person she wouldn't have been convicted of anything, but some how the 1st amendment, the protection that makes America great, does not exist online. This is just another example of how America's lost it's way, when some one is sent to jail for typing words you really can give up on patriotism.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friends on Computer vs. Entire Future

Teenagers’ Internet Socializing Not a Bad Thing?

An article from the New York Times shows a study by the MacArthur Foundation which states that socializing on the internet is not a bad thing. The study says that socializing on the internet actually helps kids in there social lives. Websites like MySpace and Facebook, according to the study, help kids with human interaction skills. Though parents think the internet is a waste of time.

I believe that the MacArthur Foundation’s study is greatly flawed and makes absolutely no sense. The study said that website’s like Facebook and MySpace help with human interaction skill. I say that typing mindlessly to friends can’t help with human interaction skills because in life you talk to people face to face not through a glowing box. The study said that MySpace helps people so to prove their point they use this quote “It’s not an obsession; it’s a necessity.”. The 15 year-old was saying that MySpace is as important as breathing and eating to him, this just makes the study sound poorly researched and very unprofessional. My sister talks to her friends on the computer almost through the whole day, as a result she doesn’t know how to do her homework and never hands it in. I agree with the parents, the internet is a waste of time. Friends are not forever, grades determine your future. Grade detrime what collage you go to, what job you get, and your overall future. Friends create the distraction that will ruin your life.