Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Speech

Obamas Speech
William Gavin, a Nixon speech writer, gave his advice to President Elect Barack Obama on how he should deliver his Inugrational speech. William told Obama to send a message with his speech, don't pull out a bunch of meaningless sayings that sound nice but (as I said) don't mean anything. The following is a exprt from the New Times article that illistrates his point.

"There is a story that illustrates my point: It seems two friends were at the Democratic Party convention in 1896, and heard William Jennings Bryan make his “Cross of Gold” speech. The friends, along with everyone else, cheered and shouted, and claimed it was the greatest speech ever given. On their way out of the convention hall they were still ecstatic, and kept telling each other how great the speech was. And then one of them turned to the other and said:
“Yes, it was the greatest speech I ever heard, but, tell me, what did he say, anyhow?”
After the thrill, the question remains."

Obama should use the speech to say what he will do in the white house not "Yes We Can" over and over (what does it mean any way). I completely agree with William. Both John McCain and Barack Obama never said anything in there speechs for the white house. Obama should use this opportunity to get his message and ideas out.
*Photo Caption- what progress

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